
ISPConfig – Email Troubleshooting: Fixing Email Delivery Issues

If you’re facing email delivery problems, you’re not alone. Many server administrators encounter similar issues. Let’s dive into a few common problems and their solutions!

I had a similar issue with ispconfig, I can’t send and receive email after creating an email account on the ispconfig portal. in this post I focus only on sending emails and i will make another post for receiving the email 

I will show you step by step to troubleshoot the issue and find the root cause of your issue.


This is the mail system at host web1nl.maxtld.com.

I’m sorry to have to inform you that your message could not

be delivered to one or more recipients. It’s attached below.

For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster.

If you do so, please include this problem report. You can

delete your own text from the attached returned message.

                   The mail system



First of all, you should have three text rules in your DNS provider. 

  1. DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail)
  2. SFP (Sender Policy Framework)
  3. DMARC  (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance)
DKIM, DMARC, and SPF are three email authentication protocols that work together to help prevent spam and phishing emails.


How to Create these DNS records



You can generate spf rule and add to your txt record in your dns controle 

here is an example of spf record 

  • v=spf1 a:yourdomainname include:_spf.google.com ip4:yourispconfigIP ~all

to test if the SPF record is working go to mxtoolbox.com add your domain name and continue to check any record you need.


To create DKIM record, 

  • Go to your ispconfig portal
  • Click on DNS – 
  • Click on add DNS-Zone
  •  domain name – ip will be your ispconfig ip – ns1.yourdoman.com
  • click create.

Now click domain name and email account.

  • Go to Your ispconfig portal
  • Click EMail
  • Click Domain
  • Add new domain
  • Fill up the form 
  • Click DKIM before you click okay
  • Generate dkim
  • save
In this step we continue to create dkim record 
  • Go to Your ispconfig portal
  • Go to DNS
  • Click Zone
  • Search for your domain
  • click on it.
  • Click DKIM
  • Create one – auto fill
  • save it and back to zone – find your domain – click on it.
  • Create the same rule in your dns provider.
  • save. 

to test if the DKIM record is working go to mxtoolbox.com add your domain name and continue to check any record you need.


To create dmarc record you must follow the same step on ispconfig and Cloudflare/dns controler
  • Go to Your ispconfig portal
  • Go to DNS
  • Click Zone
  • Search for your domain
  • click on it.
  • Click DMARC
  • use the above setting and click okay.
Copy the rule and create the same on Cloudflare/DNS controller
  • Go to Your ispconfig portal
  • Go to DNS
  • Click Zone
  • Search for your domain
  • click on it.
  • Scroll down to file the dmarc record.
  • Make the same on Cloudflare

It’s time to test all three records.   go to mxtoolbox.com add your domain name and continue to check any record you need.

Another good website to test the mail delivery and dns record is mail-tester.com, You can send them an email then click test, and they will show you a comprehensive status
You should be able to send email now 
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